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To maintain flexibility

Normally, articular cartilage acts as a buffer between the bones. It is composed of cells (chondrocytes), a membrane and synovial fluid. This fluid plays several essential roles: it lubricates and cleans the joint and nourishes the cartilage. Over the years or as a result of too much stress, the synovial fluid tends to decrease, the cartilage becomes less flexible and thinner.

This results in stiffness and even pain in the joints. To promote mobility, Sekoya has been offering natural food supplements for several years with great success. These supplements also have the added advantage of respecting your digestive system.


Protecting and supporting joints, Phase 2

Turmeric & Piperine

Maintaining joint health


For mobility and flexibility of joints


Protecting and supporting joints, Phase 1

Joint cure

The only natural and comprehensive solution for joint comfort


Stimulate microcirculation

New formulation